Worldwide Drop in Birth Rate, 9 Months After Vaccine Rollout

By: Dr. Jason Dean

Birth rates are dropping quickly and stroke rate is increasing with number of miscarriages.

This has all increased since the release of the Covid19 genetic bioweapon.


As these roughly correspond to a time nine months after the Covid vaccine rollout began in earnest for the childbearing-age portion of the population, I looked at U.K. data to see if I could find anything similar.

ONS does not report live births on a weekly basis as it does for deaths. Furthermore, it only releases provisional figures on an annual basis some months into the subsequent year.

However, Northern Ireland is much more up-to-date and reports current live births on a monthly basis, the most recent months by month of registration and earlier months by month of birth – the statistics authority says that 98% are correctly assigned to months of birth within 42 days of the birth.

Using these data, I calculated the average monthly live births in each month over the past six years (2016-2021) and compared this to the data from 2022. January to March 2022 is by month of birth, whilst April and May 2022 are still by month of registration only, which usually is an overcount compared to month of birth. The chart currently looks like this: