WHO Declares MonkeyPox Emergency Sacrifice

By: Dr. Jason Dean

On Saturday, the completely FRAUDULENT World Health Organization (WHO) declared the monkeypox outbreak a global health emergency just before the midterm election.

The Biden Administration will go in complete lockstep with what the WHO will tell Europe to do.

The WHO declared monkeypox a global health emergency to create FEAR.

The WHO claims Europe is the epicenter of the outbreak. Right now, men who have sex with men are the community at highest risk.

What does this mean for the 2022 Mid-Term Elections?

Will this mean that the Sheep have to take ANOTHER Jab?

Today’s report is brought to you by The Full Moon Protocol, where it’s our mission to awaken, uplift, and unite America in health care—one show at a time. Get your Full Moon Protocol at: https://www.fullmoonprotocol.com/protocol