What It Means To Be a Lioness

By: Nicolette Behm

What’s it mean to be a Lioness? We talk a lot about raising lions: zero fear, strong capabilities, natural born leaders.

In a world filled with sheep it is important to instill these qualities in the next generations were raising.

But why LIONESS?

The female lion. The Hunter. The mother. The protector.

While I don’t agree with everything the feminist movement brought forward, they had a point: FEMALES ARE POWERFUL.
Being the female in a home comes with great responsibilities all which you have innately in your blood.
You see, the lioness does the work while the lion leads the pride. I know, sounds a little 1950’s don’t you think ?
No, it is our job as the male leads and provides the strong structure of our family to provide and nurture.
We bring to the table something that is literally untouchable by the other sex, our instincts.
We know exactly what our children need, we lead them, we feed them, bathe them and comfort them in a way that only a mother could do.

After all there wouldn’t be any lions without the lioness.
It its our job to raise them to be the leaders they’re born to be!

In the climate surrounding us today, women are told we’re weak if you cannot do the job of the man, even out work the man in many cases.

Why? Why do we want to be just like the men?
Take the role of the mother as empowering.
Homeschool your children, you know exactly what they’re being taught and you can instill YOUR culture in them without the influence of indoctrination.
Feed your family. I know that sound redundant, of course you all eat. I really mean FEED YOUR FAMILY. Know the ingredients, support their bodies with the proper nutrition, keep them away from the toxins in processed foods.
I mentioned bathing them earlier, while you shouldn’t be literally washing your teenager, be educated and choose the right products for your families. In your toiletries, cleaning products, detergents, all of those effect your families.
These are the first steps in caring for your family and taking personal accountability.
These are the things you can control in your daily lives.

My favorite part about the lioness, they work in prides with many other females.
This society has women competing with each other constantly. Mom shaming over simple things, who gets more likes on Instagram, who looks like their lives are all put together and houses spotless constantly, etc.
None of that matters, what we really should be working on is working in numbers.
Rebuilding our communities, working in packs.
That means a group of moms going to the school board meetings, helping one another to feed our families nutritious meals, homeschooling recommendations, treating illnesses. Do it together.
In order to help fix our country and others across the world these are all key steps we need to get our culture and more importantly our sovereignty back.
Go back to the basics, help a neighbor, friend…
Become the lioness you were born to be.