Vaccines Causing New Mental Disorders, Study Shows

By: Dr. Jason Dean

Is this really surprising? Big Pharma is taking over and they want everyone, not only on Covid vaccines, they want them on psychotropic drugs.

We will dive deeper into this story on the July 18th BraveTV Live.

As of early July 2022, 66 percent of the world’s population has been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccines. As more people are getting vaccinated, reports on adverse events and even side effects continue to emerge. Not only injuries on vital organs have been reported, but also psychiatric disorders have been reported as well. As off today, there are a total of 10 pieces of medical literature that have reported cases of newly developed mental illness after the patients were inoculated with the COVID-19 jabs.

New Psychiatric Disorders Appeared in Healthy Individuals Following Vaccination

A literature review published in May 2022 in Asian Journal of Psychiatry has reviewed 11 cases of psychiatric reactions to either mRNA or vector-based COVID-19 jabs. The original article mentioned 14 cases, and after a review 11 cases were confirmed with psychiatric disorders and three less relevant cases were excluded.

Four cases were female, six cases were male, the remaining one was not reported. The typical case was commonly a young or middle-aged adult. The average age was 40 years.

Of these 11 cases, there were five cases of psychosis. Three cases reported with altered mental states characterized by disorientation, hallucinations, and labile affect within as early as a few hours up to 10 days of vaccination. Two cases had mania and one had depression.

More than two-third of the adverse events followed receipt of the first vaccine dose. Symptom onset was as early as a few hours up to 10 days of vaccination in all cases.

Almost half of the psychiatric manifestations reported were following administration of the Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine.