SCOTUS Opinions Released

By Nicolette Behm

Earlier this week we were told that the Supreme Court would be adding opinion releasings to the docket for the week. With 13 rulings left to go over both republicans and democrats sit biting their nails as the decisions are released. Of the thirteen cases are some of the most important that would set the tone for years to come; NEW YORK STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASSOCIATION, INC., ET AL. v. BRUEN, SUPERINTENDENT OF NEW YORK STATE POLICE, ROE v. WADE, and PLANNED PARENTHOOD v. CASEY. 

On Thursday they released a 6-3 decision on NEW YORK STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASSOCIATION, INC., ET AL. v. BRUEN, SUPERINTENDENT OF NEW YORK STATE POLICE, in favor of the 2nd and 14th Amendment. To summarize it into so many words, New York laws against permits was deemed unconstitutional. The 2nd Amendment should and will set precedence going forward. The state ultimately is in charge of how they handle permits only SCOTUS has made it clear here today that regardless of the unconstitutional laws being passed the 2nd Amendment is all the only permission we need to open carry and defend ourselves.

Timing on this decision makes you wonder as still on the docket we have ROE v. Wade and Planned PARENTHOOD v. CASEY. You can read my article on the true story of Roe v. Wade here 

Regardless of people not knowing the true story, Roe v Wade has become an insane talking point from both sides. The right to an abortion? I’ve studied the Constitution and Bill of Rights front to back and the only RIGHT, I see is the Right to life. Whatever I think there’s still insane liberals marching the streets with fake blood on the pants, vagina hat,  and sporting coat hangers chanting “my body, my choice.” It was leaked that SCOTUS is set to rule against ROE v. WADE when they do finally release their opinion.

I know, “ who was able to leak a decision from the highest law in the land?” We’ll save that discussion for another time. Absolutely ridiculous that seems to have fallen from headlines. 

Continuing on, prepare for riots, burnings, and chaos as this is released. We know that they will stop at nothing as they throw toddler tantrums in the streets. Justice Kavanaugh even had a serious threat of home invasion and assignation outside of his home over this, and people are still being allowed despite laws to parade and protest outside of Justice’s homes. 

They’re not only being allowed to, they’re being encouraged to by the Biden administration. 

People are sitting on pins and needles awaiting the decision to come out but no one is really talking about PLANNED PARENTHOOD v. CASEY. 

This is the big one everyone should be talking about. Not only does this also add to the illusion of the right to an abortion this would be a quick way of shutting down planned parenthoods everywhere.

You know, the people selling aborted baby parts to the highest bidder? What is shutting them down  going to do for the trafficking rings? But wait THERE’S MORE!?

As vaccines have been continuously rolled out and now babies are being injected with an experimental gene therapy, who’s going to tell them their supply fetal cells is going to be halted as planned parenthoods get shut down?

Overall this will be the cabal’s worst nightmare. Supply chains broken for them and the American people free to defend theirselves as the try to scare us into submission. 

SCOTUS really put a stick in the spokes. – maybe that’s why Biden fell off the bike? 

We’re winning, hold the line.