Governor Whitmer to Sign House Bill Investing in School Safety

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer will be signing House Bill 6012, a bipartisan bill that invests in school safety by fully funding risk assessments and critical incidence mapping to help protect students and create safety plans.

“This bill represents a true collaboration between the legislature, my office, community members, and school leadership to make sure our schools have the tools they need to protect students in cases of school shootings or other critical incidents,” said Gov. Whitmer. “I am proud to sign this bill to help keep students safe.”

House Bill 6012 would help schools implement risk assessments to identify the current status of their campus safety, determine where further investments are needed and complete critical incidence mapping for their campuses, ensuring that emergency plans and protocols are effective and in-place, according to the Executive Office of the Governor.

The legislation includes a total of $14 million in grants, which will be awarded to schools by the Department of Education, to complete a comprehensive safety and security test.

For more information about House Bill 6012, click here. 

SOURCE: 9and10news