Division 1 Athletes Skyrocketing MyoCarditis Cases

By: Dr. Jason Dean

I grew up in sports.

I started very early in baseball, football, soccer and even golf. It was a way of life growing up. We were taught values, hard work and leadership from a very young age.

I then went on to play high school as well as college sports.

Never at any point did I or my teammates experience anyone with any major heart issues or any issues on the field.

Not only did we not have anyone with any heart issues, we had no cases of dehydration, exhaustion, heat stroke, blown out joints or any other injury.

This has all occurred in the last 20 years.

Parents and athletes should be completely outraged.

I just had a parent of a teenager that I see in practice come in and tell me that the students aren’t even allowed to play in a sport anymore with having an ECG.

This is maddening!

Now a recent report comes out from Radiological Society of North America by Dr. Jean Jeudy, MD.

Of the Big Ten athletes that were tested via MRI, over 54% were found to have and diagnosed with myocarditis.

This is the world we have turned into.

This is going to be a Dark Winter….the children are going to suffer.

If you have a child or know someone who has a child playing sports and has had the covid vaccine, please seek cardiovascular help today.