Brave TV – Nov 1, 2023 – The Radiation Dangers Frying our Brain and Destroying the PIneal Gland

Mankind is extinct because they believed the laws of nature were not valid for them. Did cell phone tower cause cancer outbreak at California school? Cell phone safety innovator Norbert Heuser reviews new technology for ba8ling harmful EMF radia>on emi8ed by wireless devices 4 students 3 teachers at Weston Elementary School in Ripon, California diagnosed with various forms of cancer since 2016. The vic;ms, parents, and local environmental groups blame the cancer on a cell phone tower erected on the school playground for which the school district receives $23,484 annual compensa;on. The wireless company says their tower is opera;ng within federal guidelines. Who set up the federal guide lines ? For years wireless companies and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have denied any correla;on between cell phone radia;on and cancer. But aEer a $30 million dollar study completed in November of 2018 by the US NaDonal Toxicology Program, it was confirmed that cell phone radia;on was the direct cause of cancerous tumors in male rats. Failing to men;on the newly clinically-proven cell phone/cancer connec;on, the CDC instead chose to encourage cell phone usage by sta;ng on their website. THE JOKE “It is also important to consider the benefits of cell phones. Their use can be valuable in an urgent or emergency situaDon – and even save lives.”